“Fixed Wireless Broadband that Works”

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Broadband Stimulus Money is Still Up In The Air

With over $7.2 billion at stake, there has been no shortage of banter over where the money should be spent. A simple google search for "broadband stimulus" yields hundreds of thousands of recent news entries and blogger buzz about the topic. So, what do we know as of now?

First, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Rural Utilities Service (RUS) will handle a portion of the funds. I originally was led to believe (probably through one of the numerous sources chattering about the topic on the internet these days) that the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) would be the exclusive administrator of Obama's stimulus, but it appears I was incorrect.

However, I'm glad to have been found mistaken. Ron Schott, an Arizona news man, points out in his recent article on the broadband stimulus package, that with the RUS in charge, it could mean 80-95% of the largely rural state of Arizona receives coverage. Some people expressed disappointment over the historic allocation of funds that the RUS approved, stating that the money doesn't always end up at the most rural of areas. In either regard, I say that I'm pleased t see this development because I believe it will mean more money invested in rural infrastructure rather than floating the major carriers with loans and grants to "improve" existing networks.

As per my previous article over the allocation of these funds to wireless broadband technology, no definitive answer has been given. But, rest assured the industry is lobbying hard to make sure we get our cut. Fred Campbell, president of The Wireless Communication Association International (WCAI) stated, “WCAI applauds the inclusion in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Bill of funding for the delivery of wireless broadband to underserved areas.” He also commented, "As the only broadband platform that is capable of providing access everywhere, all the time, wireless broadband is essential to achieving universal broadband connectivity."

Where will the dollars fall, we aren't certain yet. I will be keeping my ear to the rail, hopefully the train's-a-comin'.

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