“Fixed Wireless Broadband that Works”

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Google - A Broadband Service Provider?

This morning, Google announced (via the Google Blog) the soon-to-come availability of their experimental fiber-optic broadband network.
"We're planning to build and test ultra high-speed broadband networks in a small number of trial locations across the United States."

It seems Google has gotten involved with the FCC's urge for feedback on the Broadband Plan. They open their post with future-looking and hopeful statements about a broadband world that could be. But, many are asking today: are their intentions so benign?

It's no surprise that other broadband providers could be wondering: is this the start of a new competitor in the market? And, if it is, what a competitor they would be. With access to the vast majority of internet users (via their overwhelmingly popular search engine) they could capture the internet world with their message rather quickly.

But, I'm not so sure there is much more to their efforts than just what they say. Google, ever the innovator, wants to move broadband forward. Their blog describes their intent as nearly academic--research, investigation, and trying new ideas. A few years ago, the company introduced wireless broadband to their home town at no charge for the same mission. That venture hasn't been parlayed into anything greater. Not to mention, it's not very much like Google to enter a market inconspicuously (note: their entry into the cell phone market).

So, I for one applaud Google. They invest their own cash into infrastructure and toe-dipping into a market for the purposes of greater good, it would appear--advancing broadband access, improving technologies, and getting our nation back on par with the rest of the world.

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posted by Unknown at 9:49 AM Link to this Article


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